How Benjamin “The Time Table” Franklin Ruined Your Life

  Ladies and gentlemen, step right up for a glimpse into the life of Benjamin Franklin, the patriarch of punctuality, the sultan of schedules, and yes, quite possibly the grandpa of timetables. If you thought your life was regimented, wait till you learn more about Benny the Franky’s daily grind – a schedule so tight it makes spandex look loose. …

The 5 “Modes” You Need to Have a Truly Fulfilling Life

  Hard work is perfectly fine in bursts. When the situation demands it: Like if there is an emergency situation If there is a battle. If there is a medical emergency If there is a crucial sports competition nearing its finale. If there is a “truly urgent” career or business-related situation    But CONSTANT “hustling” will, sooner or later, do …

Why Excessive Hard Work Gives You NOTHING except GUILT.

  Some time ago, I read a post by someone on LinkedIn, which as of 2024 is the go-to place on the Internet, for nauseating, hypocritical and sometimes downright stupid information, posted as wisdom. In fact, you can safely bet, the wider the reach, the more stupid the information probably is. So, the post described the CEO of some company …

Why “Hard Work” Does More Harm Than Good!

  Growing up I had always been taught the importance of hard work, how everything of value had to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, it wasn’t useful.  Anything you were actually enjoying was bad for you. Anything you hated and found hard and where you pushed yourself beyond your limits was the best thing for real progress in life. …

Why Excessive Honesty is A BAD Policy

  “Honesty is the Best Policy” – Benjamin Franklin Benny was generally a smart dude, but let me share the views of someone even smarter. “Honesty is the best policy. I also suggest, all armies and intelligence agencies should honestly reveal all their secrets to their enemies” – Sir Anubhav Srivastava “Honesty is the best policy, so please honestly share …

Why Your First Duty Should Be Towards Yourself

  Your first duty, obligation and responsibility is towards yourself. Don’t be misled by those who say your first duty is to your family or to community or to the land you were born in. Yes, you may care about them but your first duty is to yourself. You can’t help anyone if you yourself are miserable. A starving and …

How To Cope With A Brutal World – Why You Should Read This Book?

  “What disturbs and depresses young people is the hunt for happiness on the firm assumption that it must be met with in life. From this arises constantly deluded hope and so also dissatisfaction. The life of every individual, viewed as a whole and in general, and when only its most significant features are emphasized, is really a tragedy; but …


  Imagine having a cheat sheet for life—not needing to fumble through every mistake just to figure things out. Or consider those moments when someone’s compliments feel more like sugary syrup than genuine admiration. Ever wonder what’s behind that? Chanakya, the ancient master strategist and philosopher, cracked these codes centuries ago. And guess what? His insights still hit like a …

Why You Should Not Waste Time Trying to Convince the Fools!

    There is a story of a sage who also had supernatural powers to influence the cosmos. The emperor summoned him and pointed to a particular star in the sky. “Can you remove that star?”, asked the emperor. The sage said “Yes.” “Remove that star then”, said the emperor. The sage said “Okay.” He looked at the star, closed …

Never forget this if you wish to live in Peace.

      In the Bhagavad Gita, one of the most revered ancient scriptures of India, (and another incredible segment from the previously mentioned ancient epic Mahabharat), Krishna who represents the supreme divine is having a conversation with the Prince, Arjun, while on the battlefield. Arjun is hesitant to fight his own relatives who belong to the opposing army and …