Never forget this if you wish to live in Peace.

      In the Bhagavad Gita, one of the most revered ancient scriptures of India, (and another incredible segment from the previously mentioned ancient epic Mahabharat), Krishna who represents the supreme divine is having a conversation with the Prince, Arjun, while on the battlefield. Arjun is hesitant to fight his own relatives who belong to the opposing army and …

Why Life Is Like a Deck of Cards

  By Anubhav Srivastava ( Register for his Workshop – Build Super Confidence For Super Success!) I’ll share with you a brilliant analogy that has been shared before but I heard about it from a man named Patrick Bet David. It is so true in life and business that I must share it with you. It basically compares one year of …

Success Is Not Always Controllable So Adopt A Healthy Attitude Towards Failure.

Success is Not Always Controllable So Adopt a Healthy Attitude Towards Failure

By Anubhav Srivastava ( Register for his Workshop – Build Super Confidence For Super Success!) Let me begin with a summary of what this is article is all about. I have come to believe that you are completely in control of your actions but not always the results of those actions. You are completely in control of attempts to influence …

Why Positive Thinking is a BAD IDEA At Times.

By Anubhav Srivastava ( Register for his Workshop – Build Super Confidence For Super Success!) Conventional wisdom says that positive thinking is the key to success. You need to picture yourself or visualize for yourself the perfect outcome, the best possible result. You need to go into what you are doing with an absolutely positive mindset, whether it is a …

How to Stay Motivated When You Don’t See Results

By Anubhav Srivastava (Register for his Confidence Building Workshop Here!) I have stated in one of my past articles that you are responsible for your actions but cannot always control the results of the actions. The fact is that the effort you are putting in may not pay off in the near future or it may pay off in a …

Is Life Fair or Unfair

Is Life Fair Or Unfair? And If Unfair How Do You Make It Fairer?

  By Anubhav Srivastava (Register for his Workshop Super Confidence For Super Success here!) Most of us have gone through times where it seems that life is almost certainly somewhat unfair. While surely there seems to be some correlation between what we deserve and what we get, at other times what we get seems to be the exact opposite of …

What To Do When You Hate Your Life?

By Anubhav Srivastava ( Register for his Workshop – Build Super Confidence For Super Success!) We all go through times when it feels like nothing is working out at all. It is almost as if the universe is out to get us. No matter what good deeds we do or how hard we work, all we seem to get in …