20 Simple Steps To Becoming More Confident

  You are probably already a successful person in your field, however we all go through times of self doubts, it is during times such as these that the steps mentioned in this article can  be invaluable. Here they are! Surround Yourself With The Right People Be around the right people. When you are around people who are negative and …

Five Ways To Relax When You have A Super Busy Life

  By Anubhav Srivastava ( Register for his Workshop – Build Super Confidence For Super Success!) Most people who have a super busy life have a hectic schedule because they want to achieve their dreams faster than anyone else. They have a super high work ethic  because they want to put in everything it takes to make their vision become …

The Number One Productivity Hack!

The Number One Productivity Hack!

By Anubhav Srivastava ( Register for his Workshop – Build Super Confidence For Super Success!) We all want to become more productive but most of us are far from operating at our maximum productivity levels. Even through everyone has 24 hours in a day, the fact is that most of us do not utilize our time properly, which partly plays …

Should You Work Hard or Work Smart?

By Anubhav Srivastava ( Register for his Workshop – Build Super Confidence For Super Success!) This article will answer the dilemma that we all seem to be having these days with regards to success in our professional lives –  To succeed, should you work harder or smarter? Let’s analyze both philosophies first. Working Hard was instilled into most people for …

Why You Need To Stop Multitasking.

Why You Need To Stop Multitasking.

  By Anubhav Srivastava ( Register for his Workshop – Build Super Confidence For Super Success!) In today’s world, doing just one thing at one time seems to be considered a waste of time. Whether it is texting while walking or constantly checking your phone while in a meeting, most people consider it a given that by doing more than …

Signs You Are Going To Be Successful in Life

  By Anubhav Srivastava ( Register for his Workshop – Build Super Confidence For Super Success!) Do you often wonder whether you display the signs you are going to be successful in life? There are tons of habits that a lot of very successful people have in common and attribute their success to. Here are 17 signs of guaranteed success!   …

Why You Should Quit Your Job and Start a Business

Why You Should Quit Your Job and Start a Business

  By Anubhav Srivastava ( Register for his Workshop – Build Super Confidence For Super Success!) Are you wondering whether you should quit your job and start a business. I will be honest with you, not everyone has what it takes to be an entrepreneur. Not everyone is going to enjoy being one and not everyone will succeed as one. …

Success Is Not Always Controllable So Adopt A Healthy Attitude Towards Failure.

Success is Not Always Controllable So Adopt a Healthy Attitude Towards Failure

By Anubhav Srivastava ( Register for his Workshop – Build Super Confidence For Super Success!) Let me begin with a summary of what this is article is all about. I have come to believe that you are completely in control of your actions but not always the results of those actions. You are completely in control of attempts to influence …

Inspirational Quotes On Courage And To Remind You that YOU are Special

Inspirational Quotes On Courage And To Remind You that YOU are Special.

  By Anubhav Srivastava. (Register For His Workshop – Super Confidence For Super Success) COURAGE “Errors can only be made by the courageous. The only people who never commit errors are the cowardly who never attempt new things.” “Do not wish for less adversity as greater lessons have been learnt in adversity than in prosperity. Wish for the courage to …

Inspirational Quotes on Discipline and Confidence

By Anubhav Srivastava ( Register for his Workshop – Build Super Confidence For Super Success!) DISCIPLINE “No matter how passionate you are about something, there shall be days when you just won’t feel like getting up and doing it. What separates the champion from the amateur is the ability to muster up the strength to do things when not even …