The One Thing That Greatly Determines How Much You Are Paid!

  What are people or businesses really rewarded for? Talent? – Millions are talented Effort? – Even a laborer puts in great effort Brains? – Scientists should be the richest people by that logic Time? – Ever heard of people who work 20 hours a day and are still  struggling? Persistence? – Many people never give up for 30/40 years …

How Perfectionism Harms Businesses and Business Leaders.

In today’s world, especially in business and career, everyone is chasing perfection. Nothing is ever good enough. Now, while there are scenarios where constant improvement is necessary, in most areas, perfectionism is actually far more harmful than it is useful. Here are reasons why you should stop trying to be perfect. You cannot achieve it    Let me start with …

Where to use the 80/20 rule and where to ignore it?

In all likelihood, you probably have heard of the 80/20 rule. If you have not, here is what it says. It says that 20 percent of your efforts result in 80 percent of the result and the rest of the  20 percent of the results come from 80 percent of the effort! This thus means that in order to generate …

Why A Little Laziness Is Extremely Important In Business

Suppose someone says, it’s possible to jump off a 200 feet cliff without any aid and survive.  99 percent of those that try  end up dying. But by some miracle, this guy survives, while doing the exact same thing with the exact method that killed 99 percent of the people. He later, proudly proclaims, “See! it’s possible to jump off …

Why Closing More Deals May Sometimes Harm Your Business!

Many organizations train their salespeople to close every deal they can at any cost.  Many times, the entrepreneur behind the organization also subscribes to the same mindset. But what if I told you, this mindset is not entirely correct, not every deal deserves to be closed.  There are many organizations closing many of the deals and feel very proud of …

Why Over-Delegation Kills Businesses

Many business-people and top executives believe that one shouldn’t micro-manage and start delegating everything. While delegation does save time, there can be such a thing as over-delegation. Some decisions need to be taken by someone with the mindset of an entrepreneur, even if they are an employee. They cannot be taken by someone who cannot think beyond 9 to 5. …

How To Predict The Future?

  Several years ago, my eating habits went out of control and I rapidly started gaining weight.  Now I did not know that I had gained weight. I thought that I still was fit because that is what I saw in the mirror. It was only when people who saw me after a gap of a few months started commenting …

Why Established Companies Go Out Of Business.

  There is one thing that is the number one killer of all organisations. That thing is also the number one killer of all civilizations. What kind of major water body remains fresh new and clean? The one that is continuously flowing. The moment it becomes  stagnant it begins to stink. The same is true of stagnant people, only those …

The Four Secrets To Commercially Successful Innovation.

Let me begin by sharing a story. A group of people were around a river bank when they saw a baby floating down the river. They were shocked and one of them quickly got in the river to save the baby. Just when the person was getting out of the river, they noticed two more babies floating downstream. Immediately, two …