How To Always Beat Deadlines

  By Anubhav Srivastava – For Speaking/training at your organization, email When are People Most Productive? Some people say they are most productive when they are cool and relaxed or when they are fit. Some people say they more productive when they are motivated or when they have a positive working environment. But do you know, when most people …

The Two Keys to Successfully Raising Your Prices Greatly

  By Anubhav Srivastava Most businesses are only able raise their prices in increments. In a world where most businesses compete purely on price and go for the high volume low price approach, raising prices is something that they are only able to do when the entire industry raises their price. While the high volume low price approach may work …

What to Do When Customers Tell You, Your Price Is Too High.

  By Anubhav Srivastava Before we get into how to deal with this question. There are three keys to remember. The first thing to remember is to agree with the customer as much as possible. They say the Customer is always right. We all know that is not true. However, we need to agree with them anyway. Showing empathy is the …

Why Competing On Price Alone Will Eventually Kill Your Business

      By Anubhav Srivastava Except for the largest of businesses with massive capital and resources, competing purely on price is sure way to eventual failure. You walk on such razor thin margins, that even the slightest of variations could make your business unprofitable overnight. Suppose you charge Rs. 5000 for your service, a competitor comes and offers the …

Why Most Salespeople Fail To Close The Deal

  By Anubhav Srivastava Let me tell you a true story. A wealthy gentleman once walked into a Car Store, wanting to purchase a high end sports car. When he walked into the store, he went to the sales guy and told him that he wanted to purchase the car. The salesman who became quite excited with the possibility of …

Shattering a big myth in Sales!

  By Anubhav Srivastava   Conventional sales wisdom says that everyone is not your customer. That’s true! Just because there are thousands of types of fish in the sea, it doesn’t mean all of them are edible! But conventional sales wisdom also says the following –  you should sell to someone who needs you. That’s a myth or at least incomplete …

Everybody is a Salesperson!

    By Anubhav Srivastava   How many of you are into sales? If you are a business owner or have a sales job, you will probably raise your hand. If you are not an owner but an executive, you may raise your hand. If you do not belong to any of the above categories, you may not raise your …

How To Make The Most Profitable Use Of Your Time

  By Anubhav Srivastava Many of us have big goals and most of us work hard to achieve them and yet many times we do not hit those goals despite working very hard. There are various reasons why we may not achieve our goals despite working very hard, but perhaps one of the biggest reasons is that we are working …

Why Time Is Not Money

By Anubhav Srivastava One of the biggest myths in time management is that time is money. Time is not money at all. Let me ask you a question. If you lose money, can you make it back? Of course you can! It maybe easy or extremely hard depending on your circumstances but it is not impossible. But can you get …