The One Thing That Will Guarantee Your Safety In A Recession

There are two types of people in the world, ones who are afraid of a recession and ones who actually look forward to it. Yes, believe it or not, there are people who actually look forward to a market downturn. The vast majority of people of people, of course,  belong to the first category. Yet, it is the people in …

Why Years Of Experience Is The Wrong Metric To Judge Capability

  People used to often come up to my Father and ask for a raise or promotion by saying they possessed 5/10/20 years of experience. The first question my father used to ask was “5/10/20 years of doing what?” What he was implying was one can sit and do very little for 20 years but somehow still hold on to …

“No Pain, No Gain” is Not Always The Right Advice To Follow

Whenever we tend to go through painful experiences in life, we often keep pushing on because of the age old advice we have been given, which is “No Pain, No Gain,” That advice is sometimes true, but many times, following it could be the worst thing you could do. When you are in the gym,  soreness is good. A burning …