
The Five Steps I Used To Defeat Low Self Esteem and Build Confidence

  By Anubhav Srivastava ( Register for his Workshop – Build Super Confidence For Super Success!) I suffered tremendously from low self confidence in my growing up years. I was a brilliant student uptil Grade 6 until I encountered a teacher in Grade 7 who shattered myself confidence for a long long time. As a result of the constant disrespect …

How To Give An Engaging Speech That People Love

The Three Keys That Will Make People LOVE Your Speech

  By Anubhav Srivastava (Register for his Confidence Building Workshop Here!) In my previous article, I shared that what makes a speech powerful and memorable is the message you give in it. Public speaking techniques that make you appear dramatic through deep pauses, eye contact and voice modulation etc. may make your speech look like a beautiful performance, however, they …

Build Super Confidence For Super Success – One Day Event By Anubhav Srivastava

Quick Note: Register now! PRICE RISES TOMORROW! For any questions, send me a message at or Also be sure to sign up for my email list by scrolling below for tons of FREE content. Get Ready for Anubhav Srivastava’s Workshop “Build Super Confidence For Super Success” on October 23, in New Delhi.  For a Limited time ONLY there will …

How To Give A Memorable Speech: The Only Key You Need To Remember.

  By Anubhav Srivastava (Register for his Confidence Building Workshop Here!) How to Give a Memorable Speech? Most people, even those who are afraid of public speaking would like to some day give a speech that tremendously inspires people. They would love to give a speech that engages others and makes them pay attention with complete awe, instead of being …

How To Deal With Hecklers Or Troublemakers When Public Speaking

By Anubhav Srivastava. (Register For His Workshop – Super Confidence For Super Success)   By Anubhav Srivastava (Register for his Confidence Building Workshop Here!) Most people are nice or at least pretend to be nice. When you are giving a speech they will not say anything bad to your face. They may even come up to you in the end …

How To Appear Confident While Public Speaking (Even If You’re Nervous!)

  By Anubhav Srivastava (Register for his Confidence Building Workshop Here!)   How To Appear Confident While Public Speaking Even If You are Nervous? One of the best yardsticks of a person’s confidence level is how reassured they are when they are speaking to the public or a gathering.  And yet ironically Public speaking is an activity that seems to …