How To Always Beat Deadlines

  By Anubhav Srivastava – For Speaking/training at your organization, email When are People Most Productive? Some people say they are most productive when they are cool and relaxed or when they are fit. Some people say they more productive when they are motivated or when they have a positive working environment. But do you know, when most people …

Shattering a big myth in Sales!

  By Anubhav Srivastava   Conventional sales wisdom says that everyone is not your customer. That’s true! Just because there are thousands of types of fish in the sea, it doesn’t mean all of them are edible! But conventional sales wisdom also says the following –  you should sell to someone who needs you. That’s a myth or at least incomplete …

Everybody is a Salesperson!

    By Anubhav Srivastava   How many of you are into sales? If you are a business owner or have a sales job, you will probably raise your hand. If you are not an owner but an executive, you may raise your hand. If you do not belong to any of the above categories, you may not raise your …

How To Make The Most Profitable Use Of Your Time

  By Anubhav Srivastava Many of us have big goals and most of us work hard to achieve them and yet many times we do not hit those goals despite working very hard. There are various reasons why we may not achieve our goals despite working very hard, but perhaps one of the biggest reasons is that we are working …

Why Time Is Not Money

By Anubhav Srivastava One of the biggest myths in time management is that time is money. Time is not money at all. Let me ask you a question. If you lose money, can you make it back? Of course you can! It maybe easy or extremely hard depending on your circumstances but it is not impossible. But can you get …

Mr. Sanjeev Bhatt. Director, Radico
Sanjeev Bhatt, Founder - Radico
Sanjeev Bhatt, Radico

A Super Inspirational interview With Mr. Sanjeev Bhatt, the founder of Radico.

Sanjeev Bhatt is the owner of the India-based multinational company Radico which is an organic hair colour brand in 44 + countries across the globe performing very well with high customer satisfaction. His company Radico entered the Indian market also recently two years back and is expanding fast with growth of organic shops in country, his brand is available in …

The Four Step Process to Retaining Whatever You Learn

By Anubhav Srivastava Life long learning is one of the pre-requisites for success. If you stop learning you stop progressing and once you stop progressing, you become stagnant. And guess what, just like stagnant water, after a while, stagnant people begin to stink.Most of us don’t even try to learn, and God help those people.  However, there are many people …

The 20 Absolutely Essential Qualities For Success

  By Anubhav Srivastava   This article will list 20 of the most tried and tested qualities that have led to success for millions of people over thousands of years. The best part about these qualities is that they can be cultivated even if you are not born with them and this list does not include factors you cannot do …

Why Life Is Like a Deck of Cards

  By Anubhav Srivastava ( Register for his Workshop – Build Super Confidence For Super Success!) I’ll share with you a brilliant analogy that has been shared before but I heard about it from a man named Patrick Bet David. It is so true in life and business that I must share it with you. It basically compares one year of …

To Succeed More In Your Business Or Career, Get Rid of This Thing!

  By Anubhav Srivastava ( Register for his Workshop – Build Super Confidence For Super Success!) Most employees and even many established companies need to get rid of a mentality that holds them back immensely. Most employees subscribe to this mentality by default, which is why they seek out stable corporate jobs. But what is said is that many established …