Should You Really Work 70 hours a Week in Business??
Should you work 70/80 hours a week as some business leaders seem to recommend?
Only if you love what you are doing and are excited about it and if your energy levels can sustain this effort.
But, if you hate your work or if your natural energy levels can’t handle it, you are slowly killing yourself and you should stop. Self-discipline does not mean torture.
Besides, “Success” is subjective and not guaranteed and the only thing you can do is to make sure that regardless of the end result, you don’t regret the journey. Know yourself, your passions and your energy levels and plan your work schedule based on the same.
No person can succeed in the long term whilst going against their true nature. Identify the productive aspects of your true nature and then double down on them. That is the way to maximize your potential in life.
You have to sacrifice something to achieve something. But the question is what are you sacrificing? If you are sacrificing laziness and negativity to achieve what you want, that’s great. But if your sacrifice involves completely giving up your family, health, or happiness, that sacrifice is simply not worth it.
By the way just because you are working harder than ever, doesn’t necessarily mean you are doing good for your business or career. Sometimes by working harder than ever and encouraging such a culture, you are burning yourself out as well as your team. Sometimes you may be doing harm to the business just like a singer who insists on practicing 15 hours a day and ruins his voice.
Marissa Mayer, the last CEO of Yahoo. prided herself on 130-hour workweeks and took Yahoo down the drain anyway with one bad decision after another. Maybe lack of sleep had something to do with it…….
“Today’s generation is lazy and unfocused. See, when I was young, I used to work 100 hours a week, and you can’t work 80 hours?! You should work 100 hours a week, like I used to do, SINCE before I was born.” – Sir Anubhav Srivastava (CEO, TROLLS United)