The Two Keys to Successfully Raising Your Prices Greatly

  By Anubhav Srivastava Most businesses are only able raise their prices in increments. In a world where most businesses compete purely on price and go for the high volume low price approach, raising prices is something that they are only able to do when the entire industry raises their price. While the high volume low price approach may work …

What to Do When Customers Tell You, Your Price Is Too High.

  By Anubhav Srivastava Before we get into how to deal with this question. There are three keys to remember. The first thing to remember is to agree with the customer as much as possible. They say the Customer is always right. We all know that is not true. However, we need to agree with them anyway. Showing empathy is the …

Why Competing On Price Alone Will Eventually Kill Your Business

      By Anubhav Srivastava Except for the largest of businesses with massive capital and resources, competing purely on price is sure way to eventual failure. You walk on such razor thin margins, that even the slightest of variations could make your business unprofitable overnight. Suppose you charge Rs. 5000 for your service, a competitor comes and offers the …