Should You Really Work 70 hours a Week in Business??

Should you work 70/80 hours a week as some business leaders seem to recommend? Only if you love what you are doing and are excited about it and if your energy levels can sustain this effort. But, if you hate your work or if your natural energy levels can’t handle it, you are slowly killing yourself and you should stop. …

Why The 10,000-hour rule for “Mastery” is NONSENSE!

A lot of conventional wisdom being peddled by people is absolute nonsense. Let me talk about one of them: “The 10,000-hour rule to achieve mastery.” They say if you spend 10,000 hours practicing something, you will become a master. Well, this is nonsense. Either you are good at something or you are not. The number of hours spent won’t change …

Why I have stopped “Hero Worship”

  The Halo Effect  This is a story that I have really wanted to tell for many years, that perfectly illustrates how Maya creates “halos” and “distortions” around public figures images to the point that not only their followers but they themselves start believing in those “myths” They say – Never meet your heroes. While it is not true for …

Financial Manipulation Techniques Used to Rob you off your Money!

  Relentless Promotion of Debt Financial manipulation through the relentless promotion of debt leverages sophisticated marketing strategies to create a false sense of financial empowerment. The promotion often creates an illusion of affordability, making it seem that high-cost items are comfortably within one’s financial reach through small, manageable payments. Credit card companies and retail stores often promote consumer credit or …

How You Get Financially Manipulated in Real Estate

  Imagine you’ve got just $200,000 and you’re eyeing a house worth a whopping $1 million.  To make this dream a reality, you go ahead and get a home loan for the remaining $800,000. Sounds like a smart move, right? Not so fast. Here’s where things start to twist. First off, in a scenario where everyone can get their hands …

How Modern society has “manipulated” you into ruining your Health!

   Have you ever observed, when you have a prolonged high fever, even the best food will taste horrible and the best vacation destinations will be unenjoyable. You won’t be able to watch any movie or play any game. Any kind of relationship will be more irritating than pleasurable. The things you enjoy the most in life, will begin to …

How to Deal With the “Manipulation” Element of Maya

  Dealing with the “Manipulation” Element of Maya Manipulation can be done by a single person or it can be done by a whole system or society. But again, no matter who the perpetrator is, the power of manipulation to completely screw up your thought process and life is well documented. In fact, you may be the most “evolved” person …

Why You Should Read The Book “UnLearn: A Practical Guide to Business and Life

  “Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: Some things are within our control, and some things are not. It is only after you have faced up to this fundamental rule and learned to distinguish between what you can and can’t control that inner tranquillity and outer effectiveness become possible.” – Epictetus (Ancient Greek Philosopher) Most …

How to Protect Yourself Against The Common Psychological Traps of Maya/Manipulation

  PSYCHOLOGICAL BIASES   Confirmation Bias:  Confirmation bias is a psychological phenomenon where individuals favor information that confirms their existing beliefs and reject the information that does not.  We tend to seek out, interpret, remember, and share information in ways that affirm our preconceptions. This can lead to skewed perspectives and, often, poor decision-making. The classic case of confirmation bias …