Contact info for speaking/training related bookings and media queries only: and 919868889977



How many of you are into sales?

If you are a business owner or have a sales job, you will probably raise your hand.

If you are not an owner but a sales executive, you may raise your hand.

If you do not belong to any of the above categories, you may not raise your hand at all.

However, the truth is everybody is into sales!

When you apply for a job interview, you are selling yourself! Thus  you are the salesman and the product!

When you propose marriage, you are selling yourself!

In an arranged marriage, your parents are a part of your sales team!

When your dog or children whine when they don’t get what they want, they are selling too! Emotional Blackmailing is also selling!

Sales is the backbone of almost everything we do in the world, whether it is monetary or not and when done ethically it is the single biggest factor for any kind of success. If you know you can provide value to someone or solve a big problem of theirs, it is your duty to sell it to them and it is your right to be rewarded fairly for it.

We all need to embrace the idea that every single one of us is a sales person.  The quicker you embrace, learn and begin to love sales, the quicker you will achieve every goal of yours.  The ones that don’t embrace it go out of business in every aspect of their life sooner or later.

If you are looking to greatly improve sales and profitability in your organization, I would like to present to you an ONLINE Sales Video Course titled Super Sales For Super Success that will  greatly help your team with many issues that directly/indirectly  improve profitability!!

What You Or Your Team Will Learn In This Program

The SIMPLEST EVERGREEN Formula  For Sales Success
How To Achieve Almost Magical Results In Sales Through Compounding
A Big Myth In Sales You Need To Stop Believing
How to make the customer CARE about what you have to sell
The Three Communication Skills That Make You Hugely Powerful In Sales
The One Mindset Shift That Makes Prospects Respect You And  Maximizes Results In Sales
How To Identify The RIght Prospects And Save A Huge Amount Of Time and Money!
The ONE Metric You Need To Focus On To Maximize Your Return On Investment In Sales
The Three Keys To Greatly Increasing Revenue
How To Increase Your Closing/Conversion Ratio
How To Make Your  Sales Offer At In Person Or Digital Meetings
The basics of Selling and Prospecting
How To Sell Effectively In The Current Economic Environment
The 80/20 rule in A Sales Conversation
The most important thing you need to do to make a sale easy
How To Reach TOP decision makers in a company
How to Easily Command higher prices
How to uncover a customer’s needs
A simple way to build your Sales Database
How to Fill Your Pipeline without relying on advertising
How to shorten the sales cycle
How to increase chances of closing PROFITABLE deals and greatly increase your margins
Extremely powerful negotiation strategies to get the best margins on the deal
How to build trust with clients
How to Follow Up the right way
How to squeeze the most out of every lead.
How to handle almost all common Customer Objections
How to Correctly Deal with Requests For Discounts
High detailed and systematized goal setting strategy to consistently hit sales targets.
The Secret of Permanent CHANGE


Anubhav Srivastava


Hello! I am Anubhav Srivastava. I am based in New Delhi, India and I am a Business Performance Maximization and Sales Coach

– Trained participants from over 80 organizations and 19 Industries.
– Have addressed participants ranging from the the top management of public companies right down to new recruits and students.
-Creator of one of the top ranked Inspirational Movies On Youtube worldwide, Carve Your Destiny, having more than 2.5 million views
-Featured several times in India’s Media and also on BBC Radio
– Written for top Business Magazines and Websites
-Blog featured as one of the top 100 Productivity Blogs in The World By

Author of the book, Unlearn: A Practical Guide To Business & Life. The book that will show you why almost everything you were taught by the society about “success” was WRONG.  Instead of generic motivation, what the reader will get are my raw, unfiltered views on what I have learnt till now about how the world really operates, beyond conventional advice that often does more harm than good. The book gives the reader practical as well as philosophical/spiritual suggestions on what they should be doing, especially if they are at a crossroads in life and questioning the usual “wisdom” dished out by the society.

Just click on this link to download it, don’t worry it’s FREE. Just enter $0 as the fair price, click on “I want this” and you are done! You can even send it to Kindle!


My specialities are Maximizing Business Performance and  Improving Sales.

My usual charges for  One Time Training and Consulting Projects run into LAKHS OF RUPEES or MULTIPLE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS.

But what if you would get access to my SALES courses at a more cost effective price?

For the first time, I am launching my Signature Sales Training Program, Super Sales for Super Success as an Online Video Course. These programs have been conducted for countless  prestigious companies in person and via Video Conferencing. They are proven to have received tremendous engagement from participants and generated great results for clients. Now, I have recorded the content of the program as video modules.


Benefits of This Program


-This is An Amazing Sales Training That Will Greatly Increase Your Profitability. This is a Pre-recorded video program containing 22 video modules and many activities.  Unlike other courses that sound way too serious and BORING, the program is conducted in a humorous way to maximize audience engagement and also includes several activities.

– You can use the videos for your own training or share the videos across the sales team within your ENTIRE ORGANIZATION, regardless of its size  for their training!!  (You will have to download all the videos and then share it either using an external hard drive or a File Sharing App)

– Unlike a live  program,  videos can be played over and over again UNLIMITED TIMES for constant training of your team.

What you can expect at the end of this program.

This online video program will have a very direct impact on revenue if implemented well.
By the end of the program, the participants will come across as expert SKILLED consultants rather than pushy stereotypical salespeople to prospective clients.
Over a period of time, these POWERFUL sales skills they learn when implemented on a large enough scale will greatly improve your profitability and sales!!

I have spoken to participants from some of the largest corporations and Multinational companies with a global presence. I have also personally coached CEOs of top companies. I have also spoken to a lot of smaller companies across a wide range of industries and dealt with all management levels.

I have provided my services across a wide range of sectors as Insurance, Finance, IT, Media, Education Services, Construction & Real Estate, Power Generation, Hospitality, Chartered Accountancy, Pharma, Automotive, Telecom, Legal Services, Equipment Manufacturing, Food, Fertilizers, TV Broadcasting etc.

The following is a list of some of the organizations whose participants I have provided spoken to/trained.










I have also written for reputed publications/websites such as BW BusinessWorld, YourStory, Addicted2Success, PickTheBrain, MotivationGrid, DumbLittleMan etc.



Inspirational Movies And Books Created



What sets me apart from others is that I have produced and directed  movie Carve Your Destiny, a first of its kind inspirational movie featuring some of the most famous and successful personalities from diverse fields who teach the viewers how they too can make all their dreams come true. It has received almost 2 million views on Youtube and consistently ranks among the top positions on Youtube worldwide for Inspirational Movies and Inspirational Documentaries.

I personally interacted with many celebrities for the movie and most of them are in the movie as well. I met Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Kiran Bedi, Shiv Khera, LK Advani, Sheila Dikshit, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Som Mittal, Sushil Kumar (Wrestler), Sir Alec Jeffreys (Inventor of DNA Testing), Sam Pitroda, Venkatraman Ramakrishnan (Nobel Laureate) and several other distinguished personalities from diverse fields.

Here are some pictures

With the Late APJ Abdul Kalam, Former President of India


With Mr. L K Advani, Former Deputy Prime Minister of India

Sir Alec Jeffreys, Inventor of DNA Testing

Sir Robert Burgess, Famous Sociologist.


I have had my own story of overcoming numerous odds to achieve some of my goals in my life, which is why my speeches/training will greatly relate with your audience and make them feel on a deeply emotional level that the right work done consistently in the right direction, does pay off.





Everyone wants a taste of what they can get before they buy something, right? We get it, so here is a FREE introductory module you can take a look at before you purchase the entire program



You may Call me at +91 9868889977 or email to set up a time for a call and then we can discuss further after knowing more about your needs.


 Want Only A Live Online Program, Not  A Pre-recorded one?

No Problem ! We can do that. However, my regular fees for such programs will be applicable. Call me at +91 9868889977 or email 


What Happens Once Payment Is Made:

When The Payment is Made and CONFIRMED, A Link to Download The Program will be sent to the email address with which you made the payment within 24 hours. You can then download all the video modules.

Buyers/Users are not permitted to share the modules outside of buyer’s organization or upload it on any public platform even non commercially




Objection 1- Training is a scam. It doesn’t work.

Answer – Training doesn’t do the work. You have to do it. And you have to do it consistently over a long period of time to start seeing results. There is no magic pill. Anyone who promises a magic pill that will give stupendous results overnight is definitely a scam.

Flawed Belief 2 – I  don’t need training, I know enough about business.

I am sure you would agree that nobody knows about everything under the sun and there is a lot that everybody can learn from each other. Even if you do possess great knowledge in these areas, sometimes you do need to bring in outside consultants to train the team on the same thing because you as a decision maker maybe too busy to do the same or an outside perspective maybe needed.

Flawed Belief 3 – All knowledge in the world is available for Free, why should I invest in a paid program?

Investing in a paid program gives you the opportunity for super accelerated learning. Sure you can gain the same knowledge by going through thousands of books or making your own mistakes but that will take you several years and cost a lot in profits you leave on the table and the losses you make. The truly competent consultants have already done that for you and you can simply absorb knowledge from them in a very short period of time.  Be Wise and understand time is more finite than money.

Furthermore, there is considerable evidence that when people pay for something, they simply value it much more and are much more likely to take action and benefit from it.

Flawed Belief 4 – Training Is Expensive

Not doing training and learning is more expensive and will cost you a lot more in the long run. Is a map or a guide that helps you move in the right direction for a reasonable fees worth it, considering the alternative to that is getting lost completely and losing immense amount of time and money. Training/Consulting make cost a little up front but gives you guidance on the right strategies to make the maximum profits and what to avoid to minimize terrible losses.

Flawed Belief 5 – Training Wastes Time

I am sure, you would agree that working in the wrong direction wastes a hell of a lot of more time.

Flawed Belief 7 – How can a coach/consultant help me if they haven’t ran a business like mine before?!

A surgeon does not need to get heart disease to treat heart disease. The knowledge he has gained over the years through his learning and treating countless patients successfully makes him qualified to perform a surgery. Furthermore, most great surgeons have not invented a brand new form of surgery, they only apply what has been proven to work to the best they can, with added improvements learned from their experience.

If we want to make a plane fly, whether it is creating a small plane and making it operate successfully, or making the larger plane fly, the basic mechanism of aerodynamics is the same. The only difference is SCALE! But you do need the right knowledge or your plane won’t fly!

I suggest you get on my email list. I regularly send FREE Informative Mails to those on my list on all topics related to Business Performance Maximization and Sales! If you want to make your sales grow, this will be the second best decision you will make. The first is FAST TRACKING your success by investing in the Sales program!

SIGN UP FOR  MY MAILING LIST by entering your details in the Email Sign up box at the end of this PAGE

STILL HAVE MORE QUERIES OR EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS MAKING THE PAYMENT? No Problem, Call at +91 9868889977 or email and let’s talk.