Not Investing In Learning Will HURT Your Business!

Investing in Learning whether for yourself or for your team to grow your business further is one of the absolute essentials if you want to keep winning. However, a lot of common flawed beliefs hold people back from investing in training. They may think they are taking the right decision but in the long term it is a form of …

Top 5 False Beliefs In Business

False Belief 1: A successful business should always  have hundreds or thousands of  employees These days the success of a business is perceived by how many fancy offices it has and how many people are working for it. Of course, this doesn’t pay any attention to the fact that the same business maybe posting growing losses every year with no …

The Formula For Becoming A Billionaire!

The formula is simple, but not easy, unless you are born to a billionaire. People often think that to be a billionaire requires you to work super hard and while hard work is an element. A billionaire cant work hundreds of time harder than the average person if he or she wanted to. Yet others, dole out the popular phrase …

Why Most Networking is A Waste of Time And How To Make It Worth It!

No matter how much people try to justify networking, the truth is most of it is a waste of time. The Problems 1)Most people only blabber on about themselves when networking, about what they have done in the past, what they are looking to do in the future etc.They talk too much and hardly listen. Here is the deal. Nobody …

The One Word That Will Help You Protect Whatever You Have

  We as humans have odd tendencies. Here is one of them – When we get what we want, we say it is because of our hard work, our right decisions and so on. However, when we fail, we blame others, luck, God or any factor that we can’t control. The truth is what we achieve or do not achieve …

Do Not Make This Mistake in a Recession Or When Times Are Bad!

Recession – The one word that puts fear into the minds of most business-people. It is being speculated that a global recession is just around the corner, based on the change in spending habits of consumers in the recent past and sales getting lower in many industries. So assuming, it does happen, what should business be doing in a recession …

What People We Hate Can Teach Us About Success

Here is the one of the greatest reasons why the majority of people NEVER succeed or their success plateaus. The moment someone around them becomes more successful than they are, they instantly become jealous of that person. They start attributing their success to them being at the right place at the right time, being lucky or being plain dishonest. The …

The Number One Mistake People Make In Marketing.

Guess, what is the number one mistake people make in marketing? The number one mistake they make is that they sell to the wrong market! Think about it, if you are selling to the right market, even if you have mediocre marketing, you will still get some sales. However, if you are selling to the wrong people, it doesn’t matter …

The Power Of The Compound Effect!

Einstein said, the eighth wonder in the world is Compound Interest.  He stated “He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn’t, pays it.” While compound interest is a phenomenon in the financial world, a similar phenomenon exists in the real world, called the compound effect! It is a huge force and  can drastically change your life for the better …

The 4 Keys To Happiness

Think you are free because you are a super achiever? You are probably not free even if you are very successful in your career if you don’t have these 4 types of freedom, without which being happy remains extremely hard. Financial Freedom: Financial freedom means you are no longer in a  position where you need to work for money, whatever …