How to Differentiate Between the “Good” and “Bad” Pleasures of Life

How do you differentiate between the good and bad pleasures of life? Yes, pleasure is not unanimously good or bad! Unlike people who glorify pleasure or absolutely show a disdain for it, the truth is humans do need some pleasure to lead a good life, but there has to be a sweet spot, which contributes more to your life than …

Why Your Happiness NEVER LASTS!

  “I hope everybody could get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of, so they will know that it’s not the answer.” – Jim Carrey I agree with Carrey, first hand. While I have obviously never seen fame or wealth to the degree that he did – I have seen them both to a tiny but significant enough degree to realize that beyond a point, they are both dead ends …

The Importance of Being Alone from Time to Time

Would you know what you look like if there were no mirrors or cameras? Consider the peculiar relationship we have with mirrors. Sometimes, when you’re looking in the mirror, try closing your eyes and ponder this: without mirrors, how would you know what your face looks like? In a way, it’s the mirror that gives you your face  Extend that …

Why “Societal Respect” is an Illusion!

   Just lose your standing once whether through your fault or factors out of your control and the whole world will begin treating as worthless or pretend you don’t exist. Any happiness derived out of societal approval is the most temporary and fragile form of happiness. I have seen it myself in my past that when I was doing well …

The Search and Obsession for FAME: The most OVERRATED Human Desire – Part Two.

  Fame is A bad judgment of skill. This is especially true for fame that is fairly recent in fields that are not contingent on skill but more on manipulation, politics and sheer luck and randomness. In these fields recent fame has almost no correlation with real value. A multiple time Olympic Gold Medallist probably has tremendous skill in his/her …

The Search and Obsession For FAME: The Most OVERRATED Human Desire

  When I was a kid, I was obsessed with fame. Why? Because everyone else wanted fame Today, I have realized, I was a moron for being so obsessed with fame the way I was. But at the same time, it wasn’t my fault. What do you do if fame is the only thing to be desired in society. Everybody …


  There is an ancient Taoist Philosophy which will show you, in GREAT detail, that you can effortlessly do what you want to do or effortlessly adapt to changing circumstances instead of trying to the change the world to your whims and fancies, which almost never works. It is called Wu-Wei Imagine yourself standing in the midst of a bamboo …

Why I STOPPED Trying to Fight Nature and You Should Too.

We have made everything hard in our mind because that’s what we have been taught and yes to be fair, getting anything done, does require change, but that change doesn’t have to be done in a painful way. That change can be done in a sustainable and enjoyable way. You swim with the current of life instead of swimming against …