Build Super Confidence For Super Success – One Day Event By Anubhav Srivastava
Quick Note: Register now! PRICE RISES TOMORROW! For any questions, send me a message at or Also be sure to sign up for my email list by scrolling below for tons of FREE content.
Get Ready for Anubhav Srivastava’s Workshop “Build Super Confidence For Super Success” on October 23, in New Delhi. For a Limited time ONLY there will be a FREE one on one coaching session for anyone who registers for this workshop!
Imagine that you really like someone but are afraid to approach them. As a result, someone else asks them out and you are left alone. How does that pain feel?
Imagine if you want a raise but you are too meek to ask your boss for it. As a result you continue working for a pay that is too low even though you know you deserve much better. How does that feel?
Imagine that you are supposed to give a presentation for your job or business. But due to your lack of confidence you either totally flop in that presentation, or worse, never deliver it at all. As a result your colleague steps in, delivers with confidence and gets all the appreciation and rewards, even if you end up doing the work. You end up getting nothing matter how hard you work, how does that feel?
Now Imagine A future where things have changed.
Imagine that you confidently walk up to the person you like and strike up a conversation without appearing desperate. If they are receptive to you, you take things further step by step and even have a romantic relationship eventually. If they are not that receptive you pursue them gently and they end up changing their mind. If nothing else, because you do not appear desperate, even if they say no you still have your dignity and respect intact.
Imagine that you become aware of ever single indispensable thing you do for your company and start believing in your value. Based on the value you are providing to your company, you confidently but politely walk up to your boss and tell them you want a raise. The decision may be in the hands of your boss but at least you had the guts to ask for what you wanted and now have a good chance of getting a raise compared to earlier when it was zero!
Imagine that you walk on the stage or in your company’s boardroom, knowing you have done a great job at creating your presentation. Self assured, you begin your speech and even if it is a presentation based on facts, you narrate it like a beautiful story and mesmerize your colleagues and superiors and leave them speechless. At the end they all get up and applaud. You get the accolades, the credits and the rewards you always deserved.
Too good to be true? Not at all. All of this is extremely achievable. If you are committed and apply the things I am going to teach you, the future scenario is exactly what things are going to be like. I am going to teach you all of this and much more in my one day motivational workshop on Building Life Long Self Confidence.
What Change Can You Expect From This Workshop If You Apply What You Learn?
You will become better at Public Speaking/Presenting. As a result your ability to influence many people through your words will grow and that can lead to tremendous professional progress.
You will become better at Social Interaction. So you will experience more professional success through networking and connections and also can build more meaningful friendships in your personal life.
You will learn how to Approach Busy And Famous People effortlessly. The kind of leverage you can get through a recommendation/ participation of a famous person is extremely useful for your success and credibility.
You will start overcoming Your Fear Of Judgment from others. There is no limit to what you can achieve once you overcome the fear of rejection and people’s opinions. You will march forward confidently without letting others’ negativity affecting you.
You will learn Life Changing Psychological Strategies To Build Super Confidence
You will shatter most of the limiting beliefs holding you back in life.
You will learn how to Promote yourself without appearing arrogant or pushy.
You will learn how to retain your self confidence even in a negative environment.
You will learn how to avoid crossing into overconfidence.
You will learn how to achieve your biggest dreams without taking dangerous risks.
And much more mind blowing stuff! Some things need to be kept a secret 😉
Free One on One Consultation. Pick any one problem area of your life and ask me a question about it. I will give you the best possible solution I can to the problem if I believe I am qualified enough to answer it. If not, you can present a different question. Normal charges for such a consultation are Rs. 1000.
3 Complete Videos of my Motivational Seminars at Ramkrishna Mission, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited and MTNL worth Rs. 2000
Free DVD of The Movie Carve Your Destiny Worth Rs. 800 (Although the movie itself is worth 30 lakhs in production costs and Priceless when it comes to what you learn from it!)
FREE Ebook: Inspirational Quotes For Amazing Success: Worth Rs. 200
The total is worth Rs. 4000, more than the cost of the workshop itself!
Who Am I and what are my Credentials?
I, Anubhav Srivastava am a filmmaker, author and motivational speaker. I hold a postgraduate degree from the University of Leicester, United Kingdom. I have been involved in study and research on the field of personal development and success since 2007.
I produced and directed the movie Carve Your Destiny, first of its kind inspirational movie featuring some of the most famous and successful personalities from diverse fields who teach the viewers how they too can make all their dreams come true. It has received over 1.1 million views on Youtube and consistently ranks among the top positions on Youtube worldwide for Inspirational Movies and Inspirational Documentaries.
For this movie I interviewed legends such as Mr. LK Advani, Kiran Bedi, Shiv Khera, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw and 17 other famous people. I also interacted with the great Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.

I am also the creator of This is an Inspirational Blog about all things related to Personal Development and Self Improvement. The website has been listed amongst the Top 100 Productivity Blogs in the World by FeedSpot and gets over 50,000 Page Views per month.
I am also a Motivational Speaker. I regularly speak at organizations across India and do motivational workshops. I offer talks or workshops on a variety of other subjects related to Leadership, Motivation, Overcoming Failure, Productivity, Mental Mastery, Happiness, Business, Relationships etc.
I have spoken at prestigious institutions such as IIM Indore, one of India’s Top Business Schools, All India Management Association, Telecom Consultants of India Limited, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, MTNL, Ramakrishna Mission and many other organizations.

I have been featured several times in International and Indian media outlets such as BBC, Times of India, Hindustan Times,, Indian Express, The New Indian Express, The Hindu, The Tribune, The Statesmen, 93.5 Red FM and many others.

Common Concerns
1) “This looks great but a One Day workshop isn’t enough for sustained change.”
For those who are thinking of joining, but worry about the long term benefits of this workshop, let me tell you how I am going to help you with that.
Apart from an emotional, engaging, information and fun filled experience that will make you feel super motivated, I will give you detailed handouts which you can use to practice these tips over and over again. I will also give you a lot of the lessons mentioned in PDF format. The material I give you will be so effective that as long as you are committed to implementing them, you will experience tremendous progress.
You can also follow up with me on email and I will try to help you out as and when I can. For my course to be a success in my eyes, I want you to all to succeed and get results in the long term!
Furthermore, you can come to any workshop you have previously attended again and get a refresher course for a very nominal charge that just covers the food and venue costs.
Finally should you want more help, you can go for one on one focused coaching. If you sign up early you get the first coaching session as a bonus for FREE. Furthermore, anyone who signs up to any of my workshops or courses can avail access to me for one on one coaching for a lower price than what I charge from other clients.
All of this is going to ensure that the one time investment you make in this workshop pays off many times over in the long run. So what are you waiting for? Email me back if you are in Delhi and ready to sign up.
“Can’t I find this information on the Internet?”
Can you learn swimming by reading a book about it?
The internet is all about theory. This workshop will have some theory but it will also create a fun, engaging, emotional experience that includes many activities will practically teach you things that will make you more confident instantly AS WELL as maintaining confidence in the long run
Also, the information on the internet is so disorganized that you are likely to become overwhelmed with the huge amounts of disorganized content available to you. Learning from experiences also take years and years. Remember, the most valuable asset you have is TIME, not money. There is no glory wasting your precious life trying to learn something on your own and when you could easily learn it through a practical course in a shorter time.
Imagine you practically apply everything you learned, even if it is because you value your money. As a consequence you actually make the commitment for permanent change and build lifelong self confidence that pays off in all areas of your life (Relationships, Jobs, Business, Respect in Society) , wouldn’t the small investment be worth it?
The answer is Of Course!
I am ready! What are the costs?
The cost of the workshop is planned at Rs. 6000 per person but if you register now you get an EARLY BIRD price of Rs. 3299. Students can get a discount if they have a valid student ID card. The early bird price for students is Rs. 2299.
The costs include lunch and snacks for the day, plus the material I give you to take home, plus this awesome training plus Rs. 4000 worth of Limited Time bonuses that includes one FREE one on one coaching session with me!
To ensure that the participants are serious, the fees would have to be paid in advance. In the unlikely event that the event is cancelled I will refund the entire amount. Alternatively, you can avail the option to attend the workshop when it is scheduled again.
If You are interested to attend, kindly get back in touch with me. If you are interested but have some specific concerns that make you reluctant to sign up immediately, again you can message me at or and we can see if something can be worked out.
In order to make a payment please make a deposit of 3299 via bank transfer and email me a screenshot of the transaction at To avail the student discount, please email a picture of your current student ID card to me first and then make the payment of Rs 2299.
To register or for any questions, email As I said above, if you want to attend but have any specific concerns stopping you, please message me so that we can work something out.
I am also available for one on one coaching or corporate engagements. Please send an email to the same address if you are interested in that.
Feel like You Want To Get To Know Me More Before You Register?
Then Check out my film Carve Your Destiny which is the number one ranked inspirational movie on Youtube Worldwide. With over a Million views and unanimously positive comments, this movie is sure to motivate you tremendously. Best of all it is FREE! But be sure to set aside 90 minutes and watch it all in one go!
Also check out my hundreds of articles on this blog which are filled with loads of FREE inspirational content that could fill a few books!